Mix Boilers
For the owner who doesn‘t have a pasteurization machine, this is an ideal alternative one with a low running cost but still can achieve good quality ice cream or gelato product. It’s a very helpful machine, the chef can prepare the materials such as base powder, sugar and various materials according to a recipe, then simply put them into this machine for processing. It’s an economic and compact machine that is particularly suitable for job that requires constant high-temperature heating and continuous mixing. Built-in soft-cooking system can achieve continuous high-temperature heating and insulation without harm the products.
Various capacity optional, 10,15,20 liters available.
Big blender and slowly agitation, can deal with heavy mix.
Soft-cooking technology, ensure a good quality production.
It can cook the product and also holding the temperature.
Digital controls and auto running.
Auto stop after the mix tank cover open. Convenient and ensure the safety.
It can be put onto a batch freezer and work together efficiently.
Very low running cost.